The remarkable significance of a small interesting bone: The Astragalus Natural History, evolutionJames ChristianMay 8, 2023ecology, evolution, natural history, evolutionary biology
A Lion Sized Otter at Turkana and possibly the first human caused extinction Natural HistoryJames ChristianMay 30, 2022paleotonolgy, lake turkana, natural history
New snake on Tumaren - Desert Black-headed Snake Natural HistoryjamieNovember 24, 2016ecology, kenya snakes, natural history, snake
Lesser Kudu East of Ewaso but not West? Natural HistoryjamieOctober 24, 2006laikipia, natural history
Two New Species on Tumaren Natural HistoryjamieOctober 24, 2006elephant shrew, laikipia, natural history, sengi